The Challenge
Demonstrating the impact of open access publishing
Anonymous access
Users engaging with open content do not need to be authorized and so their organizational affiliation is unknown at the point of access.
Demonstrating value
Transitioning their paywalled journals under their Subscribe to Open (S2O) model requires Annual Reviews to demonstrate the value of public access to current subscribers and potential funders.
Multiple platforms
Their open access audience cuts across both their 51 journals as well as Knowable Magazine.
How We Helped
On-demand analytics tailored to their needs
In the first 18 months, we identified over 12,000 unique organisations from 170 countries that accessed open content published by Annual Reviews. As a result, Annual Reviews understand which organisations across the globe are getting value from their open content, and which open content is driving the most engagement.
Our real-time analytics reports also enable Annual Reviews to further drill into their audience by:
- Organisation category (e.g. academic, government) and type (e.g. research center, foundation).
- Organisational field of interest (e.g. education, health) and more detailed area of interest (e.g. infectious diseases, robotics).
Organisational affiliation and additional metadata is determined by matching the IP address associated with a usage event against registered organisational IP addresses data from our partners, PSI Metrics.
Founded in 1932, Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. Annual Reviews saves time by synthesizing the vast amount of primary research literature and identifying the principal contributions in a broad range of disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics. Annual Review articles hold a unique place in the scholarly communication ecosystem because they transfer expert knowledge synthesized from the expanding corpus of scientific literature and they readily accept the challenge to help shape and define their field as a service to scholars and society. Annual Reviews publications are among the highest cited publications by impact factor according to the Journal Citation Reports® published by Clarivate.