Introducing our new Client Success Manager, Michelle Urberg
We're very excited to announce that Michelle Urberg is joining our team as our new Client Success Manager. We've been busily growing over the last…
MoreAnnual Reviews selects LibLynx for Open Access Analytics
Annual Reviews has selected LibLynx to generate open access (OA) usage analytics to better understand the global impact of publishing open content in their journals…
MoreFinna Authentication API: Finland's modern solution to public library access
Public libraries face a major challenge with legacy technology when it comes to access control. Limited budgets and technical expertise can leave them nursing out-of-date…
MoreLibLynx and ChronosHub partner to simplify researcher access to editorial services
Users often wear multiple hats when they interact online with a publisher. When submitting an article for publication, they are an author. When accessing institutionally-subscribed…
MoreUnlocking Access Troubleshooting
One of the least glamorous, but most important, aspects of access control is troubleshooting. Least glamorous because it’s almost always done behind the scenes, can…
MoreLibLynx enables Economist Intelligence to improve Identity, Access and Analytics
Economist Intelligence is partnering with LibLynx to power identity, access and analytics for the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a world leader in business intelligence. “a…
MoreLibLynx integrates with to simplify access control for De Gruyter
LibLynx has integrated data from into its Identity & Access solution to enable publishers to automatically maintain registered IP addresses. The enhanced service launched…
MoreLibLynx & PSI Metrics deliver industry reporting milestone for PLOS
A collaboration between LibLynx & PSI Metrics has enabled the Public Library of Science (PLOS) to become the first wholly Open Access (OA) publisher to…